글립스의 한글화는 물론 게오르크 자이페르트와 협업해 한글을 위해 특별히 만든 ‘한글 조합 그룹’ 개발에 참여하고 다년간 타이포그래피를 강의해 온 저자들이 집필한 이 책은 현존하는 프로그램 가운데 가장 한글 친화적인 폰트 제작 프로그램인 글립스를 활용해 ‘나만의 글꼴’이라는, 과거라면 엄두도 내지 못했을 일을 실현해 준다.
The Chinese-language manual covers all aspects of the software, written by the very people who translated Glyphs for Chinese. For a small contribution to the printing costs, you can get a printed copy, and the amount will be deducted when you buy a Glyphs.app license!
有关更多信息,请联系:hi at 3type dot cn
Der Einstieg ins professionelle Type-Design: Making Fonts! ebnet Ihnen den Weg ins professionelle Type-Design. Anschaulich, fundiert und mit ansteckender Freude führen Chris Campe und Ulrike Rausch Sie von der Buchstabenskizze zur eigenen Schrift.
Whether experienced or beginner: learn everything you need to know to design fonts from A to Z. From sketching to design and production, you’ll master all the skills to become a professional font designer. Written by Matthieu Salvaggio and Léon Hugues, Blaze Type foundry, EUR 17 for a PDF version, EUR 45 for a printed copy.
An Introduction to Professional Type Design: Learn the basics of type design, from sketched letters to finished font, in this uncomplicated but thorough introduction to type design.