Glyphs 2.0 Pro Workshop in Tel Aviv
This 4-day pro workshop is probably the first of its kind in Israel. It is tailored to professionals and serves as an introduction to version 2.0 of Glyphs.
Intensive Glyphs 2.0 Pro Workshop
The tutor will take you through a sample project covering all steps necessary for producing an OpenType font family in Glyphs 2.0, from drawing paths to font hinting. The following topics will be covered:
- Controlling Paths: Curvature (Fit Curve, Harmonizing Curve Segments), Overlaps
- Re-using Shapes: Components, Smart Components, Smart Corners & Caps
- Diacritics: Dynamic Mark Attachment
- Controlling Metrics: Automatic Alignment, Linked Sidebearings, Kerning
- Batch Processing: Filters, Custom Parameters
- Opentype Features: Automated and Customized Feature Code
- Glyph Positioning: Positional Forms, Cursive Attachment
- Interpolation: Multiple Masters, Brackets, Braces
- Screen Optimization: PS & TT Hinting, Automatic and Manual
- Font Formats: Exporting CFF/OTF, TTF, Webfonts
- Color Fonts: Working on Multiple Layers
- Importing Fonts and Paths from Other Applications
- Extend the App: Scripts and Plugins
Shenkar College, Anne Frank St 12, Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv
Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer
For Whom?
professional type designers with prior experience in type design software, such as FontLab Studio, Fontographer, FontForge or Glyphs 1.x
How Much?
1770 Shekel (incl.VAT)
All infos & registration: