The Dogs ❤️ Glyphs! It’s a complete package: easy to use, but mighty under the hood – and it comes with great user support (especially at conferences over 🍻)!
Kai Büschl, Oliver Linke and Katharina SeidlThe Lazydogs
The only problem with Glyphs is that I forget to take a break. My optician hates it.
Jeremy Tankard
Glyphs’ streamlined interface and its online resources made learning type design straight-forward for my students.
Jawaher Alalidesigner and educator
Glyphs has given a boost to font production. It’s like the iPhone. To font designers like me, who have experienced a time when only about 250 characters could be stored, it was a great sensation.
Sungwoo ChoiSandoll
Ever since I have switched to Glyphs, I have more time for my family.
Viktoriya GrabowskaType designer and Teacher, University of Arts, Poznań
Besides working with a quite well-designed app that covers all your needs, you will never have to walk alone again. The Glyphs support team is just the most helpful you could ever wish for.
Vitória NevesSeven Type
‘Finally!’ I said to myself when I first opened Glyphs. The seamless software all veterans were longing for, a trailblazer young guns didn’t see coming. It’s not every day you witness font design redefined.
Svet SimovFontfabric
Online courses
Learn how to design a typeface with these third-party online courses
In Lynne Yun’s online type design school, you will learn what ‘you need to know before embarking on your first typeface design, and then carrying it to the finish line.’ English and Spanish closed captions are available for all video content.
Beginner and intermediate. Free, donations appreciated.
Curated online class with individual professional feedback, 60+ pre-recorded videos, guidebooks and access to a community forum. Live at least once a year, look for upcoming classes on the website.
English (Spanish subtitles available), beginner and intermediate, starting USD 325.
Neste curso online, descobrirá o fascinante mundo da tipografia pop na companhia de Carlos Mignot e Rodrigo Saiani, do Estúdio Plau. Mergulhe no universo das letras e aprenda a criar tipografias para identidades de marca inspiradas no espírito da cultura pop.
Series of tutorial videos by Kaleb Dean about various aspects of type design with Glyphs. Includes a master class that takes you from finding inspiration to finishing your first font. Plus many videos with advanced tips and techniques.
All levels, various lengths, YouTube playlist. Free.
¡Aprende a diseñar una tipografía desde cero con Glyphs, Illustrator y funciones OpenType! Juanjo López, más conocido como Juanjez y especialista en diseño de letras, te enseñará el proceso de creación de una tipografía digital. Desde el dibujo hasta dejarla lista para ser instalada en tu carpeta de fuentes y usarla en un programa de diseño.
Learn how to create your own variable color font with Arthur Reinders Folmer a.k.a. typearture The course consists of 11+3 video lessons. They cover everything from creating to implementing a variable font.
English, all levels, online video course, introductory pricing EUR 109
Canadian type designer Kevin King has published a series of 29 in-depth screencasts about type design in Glyphs in his Youtube channel. Watch, listen and learn as Kevin steps you through the process of making a Latin font family.
English, beginner, intermediate and advanced, Youtube playlist
Learn how designer and illustrator Jenny Lee of Hello Brio Studio creates hand drawn fonts. In this 50-minute class, you’ll learn all the steps of font-making from sketching to digitizing. By the end, you’ll have a personalised all-caps font that you love.
Charles Nix leads a tour of the Glyphs workspace and then coaches you through the construction of a complete font—from outline to stroke, stroke to character, characters to typeface. There are special sections dedicated to spacing, kerning, optional OpenType features, and font testing and export. Charles also shows how to create type families with multiple masters.
Learn the basics of constructing a condensed sans-serif font using Glyphs App, the premier software for designing type. Instructor Charles Nix takes you through the design process along a logical path, building from simple elements to a complete font. He shows how to create lowercase and uppercase forms, as well as numbers and punctuation. Once the font is complete, learn about refining it with spacing and kerning, and discover strategies for making the font your own.
In this course, instructor Charles Nix takes you through the entire process of designing an italic typeface, building from an upright roman script to the italic form. He shows how to create capital and lowercase characters, as well as punctuation, while examining aspects such as slant, stem width, serif shape, and other fundamental differences between the roman and italic forms. Once the font is complete, he refines it with spacing and kerning, and introduces strategies for generating and testing the final font files.
Comprehensive online course by Barcelona-based desigenr Juanra Pastor Rovira (Wete): Learn how to use all the tools offered by the software to design and create your own fonts from scratch. Spanish with English subtitles.
Get started in Glyphs with this one-hour screencast on how to create a piece of lettering digitally. Watch lettering artist and type designer Matthew Smith do his infamous ‘Cutie’ lettering. And you cannot beat that price: it’s free for you to watch! Enjoy.
Tyler Finck has a bunch of screencasts about making fonts in his Youtube channel, specifically about getting started. Including short tutorials about variable fonts and Glyphs Mini.
English, beginner and intermediate, YouTube channel
Take a peek over Italian calligrapher and type designer Giuseppe Salerno’s shoulder as he takes you through his design workflow in this enlightening series of short screencasts in his YouTube channel. It is free, and best of all, it is universal because it uses no language at all.
Being able to make dingbats allows you to showcase your work in more online shops. This course is 3 lessons long including video modules and bonus lessons teaching you the fundamentals of dingbat design. It is your opening step into the world of font creation.
Stephen Nixon (Arrow Type) gives exclusive insights in his fontmaking process. Topics covered include italics, interpolation, and Vietnamese diacritics.
Intermediate to advanced, various lengths, YouTube videos.
글립스의 한글화는 물론 게오르크 자이페르트와 협업해 한글을 위해 특별히 만든 ‘한글 조합 그룹’ 개발에 참여하고 다년간 타이포그래피를 강의해 온 저자들이 집필한 이 책은 현존하는 프로그램 가운데 가장 한글 친화적인 폰트 제작 프로그램인 글립스를 활용해 ‘나만의 글꼴’이라는, 과거라면 엄두도 내지 못했을 일을 실현해 준다.
The Chinese-language manual covers all aspects of the software, written by the very people who translated Glyphs for Chinese. For a small contribution to the printing costs, you can get a printed copy, and the amount will be deducted when you buy a license!
有关更多信息,请联系:hi at 3type dot cn
Der Einstieg ins professionelle Type-Design: Making Fonts! ebnet Ihnen den Weg ins professionelle Type-Design. Anschaulich, fundiert und mit ansteckender Freude führen Chris Campe und Ulrike Rausch Sie von der Buchstabenskizze zur eigenen Schrift.
Whether experienced or beginner: learn everything you need to know to design fonts from A to Z. From sketching to design and production, you’ll master all the skills to become a professional font designer. Written by Matthieu Salvaggio and Léon Hugues, Blaze Type foundry, EUR 17 for a PDF version, EUR 45 for a printed copy.
An Introduction to Professional Type Design: Learn the basics of type design, from sketched letters to finished font, in this uncomplicated but thorough introduction to type design.
More info →
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