78 May 2022
Santiago de Compostela

Make the pilgrimage to Galicia and make your first variable font with type designers María Ramos Silva (NM type) and Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer (Glyphs and Schriftlabor) in one of two full-day workshops!

The Saturday and Sunday workshops are equivalent. UPDATE: the Saturday workshop is sold out, but there are still seats available for the Sunday edition.

Participants receive an extended trial license and can purchase their own full license at a discount.

Obradoiro: Crear unha fonte variable

First edition: Saturday, 7 May 2022
Second edition: Sunday, 8 May 2022
10:00–14:00 and 16:00–19:00

Neste divertido obradoiro, darás os teus primeiros pasos no editor de fontes Glyphs. Crearás un conxunto de letras maiúsculas, despois engadirás unha variante ancha para cada letra e farás que as letras se animen entre estreitas e anchas nun navegador web. Aprenderás a configurar un proxecto de tipografía, a reutilizar de forma eficiente formas entre letras e a crear e probar unha fonte variable OpenType.

En este taller divertido, darás tus primeros pasos en el editor de fuentes Glyphs. Crearás una conjunto de letras mayúsculas, luego agregarás una variante ancha para cada letra y harás que las letras se animen entre estrechas y anchas en un navegador web. Aprenderás a configurar un proyecto de tipografía, reutilizar eficientemente formas entre letras y crear y probar una fuente variable OpenType.

In this fun workshop, you will take your first steps in the font editor Glyphs. You will create a number of capital letters, then add a wide variant for each letter, and make the letters animate between narrow and wide in a web browser. You will learn how to set up a font project, efficiently reuse shapes between letters, and create and test an OpenType variable font.


María Ramos Silva
Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer

For Whom?

Designers, illustrators, digital developers, digital artists: creative people of all kinds who want to try making their first font. No prior font making knowledge required. Max 15 participants.

How Much?

EUR 80


Galician, Spanish and English


Bring your MacBook with Glyphs 3 preinstalled.