9 October 2024
Grapevine, Texas

Have you ever thought about making your own font? I bet you’ve asked yourself, “is it easy or difficult?” Well, to that I say, “Yes! D, all of the above. Or C. Whatever. Letters and what not.” Making a font is easy. Making a good font is hard.

Workshop: Make a Font in 3 Hours

October 9, 2024, starting at 1:30pm

In this workshop we’ll be looking at the whole process of font creation—soup to nuts—the whole kit and caboodle. But because we ain’t got all day, and font creation is a deep well of wonderfully nerdy rabbit holes, this workshop will be an overview to introduce you to the basics. We will create 26-ish letterforms, get them into the software (Glyphs), and beget a beautiful bouncing baby font. Results not guaranteed on that “beautiful” part.

In the end you may decide you found a new passion. Or realized it’s not for you. Either way we’ll have a good time.

Refreshments and snacks provided at the workshop venue.
Workshop will not be livestreamed nor recorded.


Grapevine Convention Center
1209 S Main St
Grapevine, TX 76051


Paul Sirmon (Sirmon Brand Co.)

For Whom?

Anyone wanting a quick crash course in making their own font.

How Much?

USD 197 (not included in the conference ticket)




Bring your MacBook with the latest Glyphs 3 preinstalled. Plus: paper, pens, pencils, markers. Optional: iPad with drawing app.